Energy Audit and Energy Analysis

Company Background

Valquest has extensive experience in the performance of Energy Audit and Energy Analysis activities; this includes such diverse projects as schools, hospitals, manufacturing plants, office facilities and shopping centers. Valquest has also developed and maintained specialized forms for the efficient auditing and tabulation of energy consuming elements.

Program Approach and Methodology

Phase I

Phase II (Optional)

Phase II consists of a detailed energy audit and energy analysis. The energy analysis will include a final report, which will contain the estimated cost benefit of alternate energy conservation measures. This phase of the program will include the following:

Phase III (Optional)

Specific energy conservation recommendations based on cost effectiveness and overall value will be selected. This phase of the program will include the following:

Phase IV (Optional)

Specifications and documents necessary for execution of Phase III selected ECM's will be prepared. This phase of the program will include the following:


Valquest can usually provide an Energy Audit and Energy Analysis Service for 50% of the Estimated Energy Savings for the first year realized as a result of the recommended ECM's, which meet Client specifications on the project.