Automated Lease Plan (ALP) Software System
Advantages / Features
- Computer generated lease plans are organized, professional, and practically flawless in appearance. The plan is drawn at an optimized common scale and maintains scale dimensions to within a few thousandths of an inch.
- Lease space areas are calculated automatically, without error by algorithms contained within the software for any lease space configuration and wall type.
- Existing lease document areas or actual calculated areas can be shown on the lease plan. Additionally, reports generated from the database can identify discrepancies between actual calculated areas and corresponding areas used in lease documents.
- All revisions to an existing lease plan are performed on a database using software; therefore, the new lease plan is an "original" produced on vellum or mylar, as opposed to a modified "original". Turn-around time and production costs for revisions are greatly reduced.
- A computer generated drawing of each tenant space is produced which displays detailed information concerning tenant's location within the center, wall dimensions, wall types and lease area calculation. This drawing can be used as a legal document and an attachment to tenant's lease.
- Total calculated Gross Leaseable Area (GLA) and total lease document GLA are automatically tabulated. Resultant information can be used to assure optimum recovery of CAM charges and to highlight lease space dimension and/or lease area errors.
- Color-Coded lease plans can be used to display tenant-operating characteristics such as: merchandise mix, sales per SF, lease expiration dates, etc.
- Color lease plans can also be used to emphasize or enhance property displays at ICSC or other leasing conventions.
Fees for Project Set-Up are typically in the range of $500 to $3,000 depending on the size and configuration of the Center. Fees for on going Lease Plan Updates and Color-Coded Lease Plans are typically in the range of $75 to $250 per Plan Update.
Customer Service
Registered ALP customers are encouraged to send us their questions via Email or FAX. Include name, address, telephone and FAX numbers, and product serial number. Send Email inquiries to info@valquest.com. Attn.: ALP Technical Support or FAX us at 972/238-9501.
Registered ALP customers can call Valquest Technical Support for 60 minutes free of charge. The free support period starts with the first call for assistance concerning ALP. To reach Valquest, call 972/234-2954, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central time. Extended support is available after the 60-minute free period, at the rate of $2.00/minute.